Bring TECH education to the youth of Artsakh for a better future
Goal: 157,490.85 EUR
⭐️ "Aurora " Humanitarian Initiative
23,750,000 AMD
⭐️ Մանթաշով Գործարարների միություն
3,000,000 AMD
⭐️ "Switzerland " based foundation
2,560,000 AMD
⭐️ "«Արևին մոտ» " "նախաձեռնություն "
2,500,000 AMD
⭐️ Հայրիյան Գայանէ Լևոնի
1,237,000 AMD
Tigran Shahverdyan
3 years agoShant Khatchadourian
3 years agoKarlen Kishmiryan
3 years agoՇուշան Թումանեան
3 years agoՀայաստանի Պետական Տնտեսագիտական ՀամալսարանMonthly
3 years agoՀարյուրավոր մարդկանց աջակցության շնորհիվ 2022թ. հունիսի 18-ին Արցախի Հաղորտի համայնքում բացվեց «Մունք» տեխնոդպրոցը:
Մենք արդեն 2 տարեկա՜ն ենք։
Այս ընթացքում անցել ենք բազմաթիվ դժվարությունների միջով, հաղթահարել անհաղթահարելի թվացող խոչընդոտներ, բայց ոչ մի վայրկյան չենք դադարեցրել մեր գործունեությունը։
Այսօր, ուզում ենք Ձեզ հրավիրել մեզ հետ նշելու մեր 2 տարեկանն ու Ձեզ պատմելու, թե ինչպես ենք գործել շրջափակման ժամանակ, ինչպես են մեր տեխնոառաքյալներն ու ուսանողներն իրենց անձնական իրերի հետ տարհանել Մունքի ամբողջ տեխնիկան, ինչպես ենք ողջ համայնքով միասին տեղափոխվել Տաշիր ու մի բան էլ ընդլայնվել դեպի Կապան ու Վարդենիս։
Այս ամենն արել ենք միասին։ Միասին ստեղծել ենք մի բան, որ շարունակում է ապրել ու արարել։ Եկե՛ք, միասին էլ նշենք մեր երկամյա միասնությունը։
Անհամբեր սպասում ենք հունիսի 18-ին, ժամը 19:00, Էլիտ պլազա բիզնես կենտրոնում կայանանլիք մեր հանդիպմանը:
Մասնակցելու համար գրանցվելը պարտադիր է`
Dear reArmenia community
You can find the February-March report here.
Once again, we would like to thank all the supporters and the whole reArmenia community for their support of this important project.
Dear reArmenia community
You can find the December-February report here.
Once again, we would like to thank all the supporters and the whole reArmenia community for their support of this important project.
Dear reArmenia community
You can find the November-December report here.
Once again, we would like to thank all the supporters and the whole reArmenia community for their support of this important project.
Dear supporters,
You can find the August-November report here.
Once again, we would like to thank all the supporters and the whole reArmenia community for their support of this important project.
Follow our page for updates and reports.
Getting ready for the "Moonq" courses. The final selection and professional orientation of the beneficiaries participating in the courses took place during the month-long technical camp organized in the summer. There were 2 streams in the tech camp, in which about 200 beneficiaries participated. 20 speakers held discussions and exchange of experience with beneficiaries.
This summer we've been actively involved in preparation works so that our techno kids could start the academic year in the best conditions possible. So we've written the reports for three months at once and are presenting them accordingly.
Once again, we would like to thank all the supporters and the whole reArmenia community for their support of this important project.
Follow our page for updates and reports.
How are you, how is your summer going?
Since July 18, our days have been very saturated, because 2 streams of technocamp have started.
Every day is full of educational and entertainment programs, including professional and familiarization courses, discussions, sports and intellectual games.
This time, not only students of the educational foundation "I" participate in our Technocamp, but also volunteers from different parts of Armenia.
On June 18, the Moonq TechnoSchool opening ceremony took place in Haghorti village. Thanks to the school during the next five years:
- we will have about 270 new IT professionals,
-at least $2M will be attracted to the country as salaries,
-more than 10 new IT companies will be founded,
- and most importantly, young professionals will stay in their native villages and work remotely.
Hope you did not miss us too much, as we have brought the next progress report for March-April :)
Actively preparing for the opening of the MOONQ Technoschool of Artsakh in June!
Hi there!
Wanna some fresh news from "Moonq" Technoschool of Artsakh? The construction works are actively progressing.
The craftsman has already started preparing the tables and shelves for the classrooms.
Dear supporters, you can find the project report of MOONQ Technoschool of Artsakh Technological (in Armenian) here.
Once again, we would like to thank all the supporters and the whole reArmenia community for their support of this important project.
Follow our page for updates and reports.
We are glad to inform you that the construction of the technоschool continues. Currently, all doors and windows are installed in the building, all the necessary partitions have been demolished and built, and the all electrical network of the building has been updated. Now work is underway to finish the walls.
We are very happy to inform you that the fundraising for our technoschool has been completed.
Thanks to all those who supported us, even in words. The radiance of the eyes of our children is due only to you. We achieved this result because we were united. And be sure that "dreams come true if you know exactly what you dream about."
The path to the goal depicted through phases
"Aurora" Humanitarian Initiative transferred $49,600 for the construction of a technоschool.
As a token of gratitude, the coworking space of our technoschool will be named after them.
The path to the goal depicted through phases
Industry leaders near us:..
The partner of the "Mооnq" technoschool is the "Armenian Code Academy".
They will provide a plan of specialized courses for students of the technoschool in order to provide high-quality and international standards-compliant education.
The path to the goal depicted through phases
The path to the goal depicted through phases
We are very pleased to announce that the construction of a technoschool started.🥳
The path to the goal depicted through phases
We crossed 2️⃣5️⃣ million AMD🥳
You represent what now delight at children?
📌 On the one hand, the repair of technoschool has already begun, on the other hand, the necessary funds are being collected for the second stage of the program
The path to the goal depicted through phases
Armenians from all over the world near techno school "MOONQ"
Can you imagine even Serge Tankian supports us?
The path to the goal depicted through phases
Garavan Projects also joined the fundraiser by donating 100.000 AMD for the Techno School.
Donations were doubled by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Artsakh Republic.
Armine Mkrtchyan initiated a fundraiser on the occasion of her birthday by asking for investments in a techno school to be built in Agorti instead of gifts.Donations were doubled by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Artsakh Republic.We are grateful to Armina for such an initiative.
The Union of Entrepreneurs “Mantashov” has transferred 3 million drams for the construction of Technoschool, which was doubled by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of AR.
In gratitude to that, one of our laboratories will be named after them.
Congratulations to all of us! The first phase of the project ended successfully.
Thank you all for your support. So, we can already start the renovation of the building and discover new talents. But that’s not all, the necessary amount for the second phase is already being collected.
Artsakhenergo CJSC also joined our fundraiser, donating 250,000 drams.
100,000 AMD from "Barev Arev" restaurant.
All the proceeds of the organized festival of artsakhian kitchen were transferred to the construction fund of "Moonq Technoschool".
ServiceTitan joined our fundraiser by donating 1,000,000 AMD.
Summary Report of the Artsakh "Munk" Tech School Project
The Artsakh "Munk" Tech School has graduated more than 30 students in its first year of operation.
Despite numerous challenges that arose shortly after the start of the academic year due to the blockade of Artsakh, "Munk" continued its activities and successfully overcame all difficulties.
Graduates completed their final projects at the "Munk" Tech Camp and moved on to the next phase.
During the forced displacement of Artsakh residents, the school's team managed to evacuate most of the equipment, which is now serving the same purposes in Armenia.
Thanks to the donors, the acquired equipment continues to serve its purpose, with only the costs spent on repairs and furnishing being considered as lost.
While the graduates did not get to participate in the third phase, "Application," many of them are now working or interning at various IT companies in Armenia.
Financial Summary Report By the end of the fundraising, a total of 69,437,651 AMD was collected. However, a significant portion of this amount was transferred to the tech school in US dollars—approximately 61,102.46 USD, calculated at an average rate of 1 USD = 490 AMD at the time. Later, upon receiving the funds according to the set schedule, the amount was exchanged at a considerably lower rate, averaging 1 USD = 410 AMD. Consequently, due to currency exchange fluctuations, about 4,900,000 AMD was lost. For detailed information, follow the link.
Considering currency fluctuations, the "I" Foundation received approximately 64,455,000 AMD for the project implementation. During the project implementation, some budget items managed to save funds due to objective reasons and circumstances, while others spent more than planned.
Despite the actual received amount being more than 3 million AMD less than the planned budget, the project was successfully implemented in full. For detailed information, follow the link: Financial Details.
Throughout the project, detailed reports of all expenditures were periodically posted on the reArmenia platform for each month, except for the last two months. The final report is attached here.
Dear supporters, you can find the project report of MOONQ Technoschool of Artsakh for April-May Technological (in Armenian) here.
Once again, we would like to thank all the supporters and the whole reArmenia community for their support of this important project.
Follow our page for updates and reports.
Bring TECH education to the youth of Artsakh for a better future
Goal: 157,490.85 EUR
⭐️ "Aurora " Humanitarian Initiative
23,750,000 AMD
⭐️ Մանթաշով Գործարարների միություն
3,000,000 AMD
⭐️ "Switzerland " based foundation
2,560,000 AMD
⭐️ "«Արևին մոտ» " "նախաձեռնություն "
2,500,000 AMD
⭐️ Հայրիյան Գայանէ Լևոնի
1,237,000 AMD
Tigran Shahverdyan
3 years agoShant Khatchadourian
3 years agoKarlen Kishmiryan
3 years agoՇուշան Թումանեան
3 years agoՀայաստանի Պետական Տնտեսագիտական ՀամալսարանMonthly
3 years ago