Support Artsakh
Goal: 64,446.53 EUR
⭐️ Together For A Greater Armenia
2,713,766 AMD
⭐️ Ara Krikorian
77,790 AMD
⭐️ Eugene Martin
51,532 AMD
Anonymous donor
a year agoVahe Shahnazarian
a year agoDavid Larisch Frazer
a year agoAnonymous donor
a year agoԱնդրանիկ Հ
a year agoImagine waking up and finding the only source of food and sustenance your family has relied on for generations is no more.
That's the harsh reality the people of Artsakh are facing. The recent war and its aftermath have brought about changes that Artsakh and it's people must adapt to in order to survive.
Artsakh lost 75% of its landmass in the war, along with most of its farms, orchards, and plantations.
Besides the loss of land, water sources from the now-occupied region of Karvachar have also been blocked or redirected by Azerbaijan's military, leading to severe water scarcity in the region. This has made it even more difficult for the locals to grow crops and sustain the local economy.
Even worse, winter in Artsakh can be extremely cold, with a thick layer of snow covering the ground for 3-4 months of the year. This severely limits agricultural production during the harsh winter months.
The people of Artsakh must find ways to increase their agricultural output and be able to grow crops throughout the year if they are to survive.
But how can that be achieved?
Greenhouses are an incredible means to address the primary challenges Artsakh is facing. They are a cost-effective solution that can be implemented quickly and efficiently. Greenhouses are 3x more efficient in producing healthy crops than traditional farming methods and they can reduce water consumption by retaining moisture and utilizing drip irrigation.
Our goal is to provide 400m2 greenhouses to capable farmers in areas where they are needed the most. We are currently collecting donations to construct and equip 5 greenhouses in various regions of Artsakh.
Each greenhouse will be equipped with all the materials necessary for organic farming, including an irrigation system, ventilation fans, and temperature control sensors.
These greenhouses will provide a sustainable source of food and income for families in Artsakh whilst also helping to revitalize the local economy with natural, home-grown fruits and vegetables.
We work closely with the authorities of the Republic of Artsakh to ensure that the greenhouses are placed in the most appropriate locations.
This initiative is about more than just building greenhouses. We also provide training and support to local farmers to help them improve their yields and ensure that locals are employed to assist in the farming.
Greenhouses can thus increase employment, crop yields and revenue for local farmers.
To date, we have constructed or renovated over 6 greenhouses damaged during the war. The humanitarian crisis caused by the blockade makes the construction of more greenhouses critical to the survival of Artsakh’s families.
We believe in the power of collaboration to create lasting change. We are grateful to have worked with a number of partners who share our vision and have helped us make a positive impact in our community and beyond.
We need your support to create lasting and meaningful change.
By supporting our initiative, you will be making a direct impact on the lives of the people of Artsakh. Your donation will help provide food security for families and contribute to the rebuilding of the local economy.
Join us on this important mission and let's make a difference together!
Want to see where your donations go?
Here's the detailed budget outlining all the project costs.
Dear supporter,
With the unfortunate loss of Artsakh, all the funds raised within the "Greenhouses for Sustainability in Artsakh" project will be directed toward providing shelter to our compatriots who have been forcibly displaced from Artsakh.
For further insights into the project, please find the details HERE.
Thanks for being that caring 🧡
Support Artsakh
Goal: 64,446.53 EUR
⭐️ Together For A Greater Armenia
2,713,766 AMD
⭐️ Ara Krikorian
77,790 AMD
⭐️ Eugene Martin
51,532 AMD
Anonymous donor
a year agoVahe Shahnazarian
a year agoDavid Larisch Frazer
a year agoAnonymous donor
a year agoԱնդրանիկ Հ
a year ago