
1,027.10 USD

 | Goal 4,391.33 USD

Publishing and distributing a handbook on Project Based Learning

Let’s make advanced knowledge accessible to teachers!

Karine Avetisyan


23.39 %

10 Days left

Goal: 4,391.33 USD


Goal:497.74 USD 4ED8CBF4-F1FF-4276-8218-8C0A5A3CD2C3@3x Reached

Copyright and publishment index registration, professional/expert examination for receiving the RA state acknowledgement


Goal:4,391.33 USD

Publishment of 300 examples of the handbook, in case we do not reach the amount needed for 600


Goal:5,364.73 USD

Publishment of 600 examples of the handbook


Goal:8,377.64 USD

Distributing the handbook during its launches in 6 regions of RA


Goal:10,888.39 USD

Distributing the handbook during its launches in 5 regions of RA


⭐️ Anush Khachatryan

207,465 AMD

⭐️ Աիդա Քոչարյան

100,000 AMD

⭐️ Գայանե Ղարագյոզյան

10,000 AMD

⭐️ Արեւ Մելքումյան

5,000 AMD


⭐️ Գայանե Ղարագյոզյան

12 days ago
10,000 AMD

Anonymous donor

21 days ago
10 EUR

Anonymous donor

2 months ago
10,000 AMD

Anonymous donor

3 months ago
150 EUR

⭐️ Աիդա Քոչարյան

3 months ago
100,000 AMD

Publishing and distributing a handbook on Project Based Learning

Starting 2023 teachers of public schools must facilitate pupil-lead projects. Most of the teachers at RA public schools have limited access to advanced knowledge in Project Based Learning. We have authored a teacher handbook to make the needed advanced knowledge and tools accessible. Now it's time to publish and distribute it for free.

To learn how to donate either click on the green Donate button or see more details in the end of this page.

What impact will the project have?

Within a year about 600 teachers (2% of RA teachers) will gain access to the needed knowledge in different regions of the RA. Within 1-2 years they will be able to utilize that knowledge skillfully. From 600 our team members will receive each 5 examples of the handbook for free.

The book must not be sold. The handbook users may reach out to us for any questions through our team email given in the handbook and receive answers. Thus the feedback loop will be ensured and will serve as an indicator for the success of the handbook.


The beneficiaries of our project are RA public school teachers, teachers of teachers, key specialists, school directors, professors, students, and similar.

Our handbook was able to unify our team members for more than a year already around one purpose. With your donation let the ones sharing our purpose join us! In the RA a teaching community will be developed, which will aspire for excellence in Project Based Learning.

What problem are we solving?

For most of the teachers most advanced knowledge on Project Based Learning is limited and not accessible because of multiple reasons including: 

1) the best literature on the topic is in English, and most Armenian teachers are not proficient enough in English to read, especially professional literature 

2) for a starter it is difficult to orientate among the wide variety of literature and sources

3) currently available sources do not give fundamental, deep, and broad knowledge, because the best professionals in project management prefer working in business area

4) there is a lack of professionals who would transfer and localize the knowledge circulated in the business domain to the education domain.

At public schools, teachers have difficulties to organize model Project Based Learning. Let's support the teachers to overcome this problem!

How are we solving the problem?

Through a handbook, we wish to make currently internationally demanded knowledge about the organization and management of Project Based Learning accessible for teachers. We are going to publish our one-year-long authored 173-page handbook with 600 examples, and in different Armenian regions provide them to RA public school teachers, libraries, universities, and other key players in the field, who may be able to spread the knowledge effectively.

We consider a printed handbook to be the most convenient format to transfer the knowledge in this case. In the future, we will also organize workshops to ensure that this knowledge is skillfully utilized by teachers.

Let's support the teachers with our handbook to receive the necessary knowledge!

Who are we and what is our team purpose? 

After 3 months of intensive training we, 7 teachers, 1 lecturer from different RA regions, and an internationally qualified expert on project management, authored a 173-page handbook for teachers.

All members of our team have more than 10 years of professional experience, have authored scientific papers, and co-authored educational handbooks, and textbooks on various subjects. We have experience in teaching school-aged children, students, and adults.

During this one year, our team managed alone or together to participate and introduce Project Based Learning at many events and courses. Some of us already teach 'Project Based Learning' as a separate subject.

The project guided by the teachers of our team has achieved multiple prizes and honors. It was a big joy to follow how the pupils of the projects guided by our team members were enthusiastically presenting their project achievements.

Our team aims to become an independent unit, which will be developing the thought and practices of Project Based Learning in Armenia. It is vital for us not only to realize Project Learning but also the efficiency and effectiveness of its organization and management, its excellence.

Support us to achieve our ambitious, but realistic goal!

How much financial support is needed to solve the problem?

You can see the project budget here.

What might also interest you?

 What topics are included in the handbook?

  • Definition and structure of projects, Project Based Learning
  • Systems and design thinking
  • Traditional and scrum approaches
  • Golden Standard of Project Based Learning
  • Financing projects
  • Efficient and effective cooperation with external stakeholders
  • IT tools
  • Risk and conflict management
  • Turning the group into a team
  • Many management tools are tested over time (Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Strategic Planning Pyramid, User Persona, Empathy Map, User Journey, etc.)։ 

The handbook is full of examples, and templates typical for Project Based Learning, as well as translated manuals, pictures, and posters. It aims to provide the teachers with the big and deep picture of project management identifying the roles of teachers and pupils. 

What will happen if you do not reach the final fundraising goal?

Our goal is to publish 600 handbooks. If we achieve less funding we will have to publish with less than 600 examples.

Why is exactly this handbook going to help the teachers?

We have studied similar handbooks in Armenian and foreign languages that were available to us. We are convinced that the broadness and deepness of the topic discussion in our handbook are not offered in other books. We have focused not only on the knowledge that exists in the education domain but also in business and general in the project management domain. We have tried to localize the knowledge and experience considered to be advanced internationally and based on current demand, in the context of RA public school education. The inclusion of design and systems thinking allowed us to bring in the foundations of change management too. Our handbook will interest not only beginners but also advanced project managers. It was praised by a renowned independent expert in the area.

How to make use of the handbook?

The handbook itself is quite clear and guiding. We are planning to organize also launch presentations, during which we will give necessary clarifications on the handbook. The handbooks will be distributed during these presentations for free. The readers can send us their questions and receive answers through the email address of our team given in the handbook.

Why is it necessary to publish the handbook?

The handbook is intended to be a book that is always on the desk of the teacher, who can refer to it at any phase of the project. For most of the teachers in different regions of Armenia, high-quality printing through personal means is not accessible. An alternative could be thought to be reading the digital version of the handbook, but for that, the teachers should always have a proper device, which is difficult to ensure in this case. Anyway, we do not accept the option of distributing the digital handbook soon too.

How can I donate?

It is advised and for foreign transfers more beneficial to donate by clicking on green Donate button at the start of this page. Then enter Visa or other card account details and confirm the transfer. Alternatively, you may make direct transfers to the account of our teammate or for Armenian transfers her IDram account below:

Bank account credentials

Beneficiary Name

Karine Avetisyan

Beneficiary Account

2477604081920050 AMD

Beneficiary Bank

Ardshinbank CJSC




ID: 666584895

The account belongs to Karine Avetisyan

1,027.10 USD

 | Goal 4,391.33 USD

Publishing and distributing a handbook on Project Based Learning

Let’s make advanced knowledge accessible to teachers!

Karine Avetisyan


23.39 %

10 Days left

Goal: 4,391.33 USD


Goal:497.74 USD 4ED8CBF4-F1FF-4276-8218-8C0A5A3CD2C3@3x Reached

Copyright and publishment index registration, professional/expert examination for receiving the RA state acknowledgement


Goal:4,391.33 USD

Publishment of 300 examples of the handbook, in case we do not reach the amount needed for 600


Goal:5,364.73 USD

Publishment of 600 examples of the handbook


Goal:8,377.64 USD

Distributing the handbook during its launches in 6 regions of RA


Goal:10,888.39 USD

Distributing the handbook during its launches in 5 regions of RA


⭐️ Anush Khachatryan

207,465 AMD

⭐️ Աիդա Քոչարյան

100,000 AMD

⭐️ Գայանե Ղարագյոզյան

10,000 AMD

⭐️ Արեւ Մելքումյան

5,000 AMD


⭐️ Գայանե Ղարագյոզյան

12 days ago
10,000 AMD

Anonymous donor

21 days ago
10 EUR

Anonymous donor

2 months ago
10,000 AMD

Anonymous donor

3 months ago
150 EUR

⭐️ Աիդա Քոչարյան

3 months ago
100,000 AMD