

 | Goal 999.15 USD
Community Development

Psychological First Aid in Border Villages

Let’s educate border villages on mental health.

Frontline Therapists NGO


0.00 %

Goal: 999.15 USD

Raised so far: 307.02 USD

Monthly Fundraiser

By subscribing to Monthly Fundraisers with micro-donations, you ensure ongoing support for your chosen initiative, project, or organization.


Monthly goal:999.15 USD

After reaching each monthly goal, we will be able to cover the cost of the intervention, the venue cost, print material, marketing of the training, and transportation for that month's PFA training.


⭐️ Cissy DerHagopian

38,731 AMD

⭐️ Linda Yepoyan

38,685 AMD

⭐️ Soseh Yepoyan

9,683 AMD

⭐️ Noene Mirzaian

5,413 AMD


Laura BoyajianMonthly

7 months ago
1,933 AMD

Laura BoyajianMonthly

8 months ago
1,933 AMD

⭐️ Prachee Agrawal

9 months ago
30 USD

Anonymous donor

a year ago
5,000 AMD

⭐️ Cissy DerHagopian

a year ago
100 USD

Armenians are dealing with the aftermath of the 2020 Artsakh War. Many lives were lost, lands taken, and homes destroyed. Beyond that, survivors are experiencing psychological trauma as a result of the war.

These problems are only made worse as ongoing attacks continue in Artsakh and along border regions of Armenia.

Compared to the previous year, the suicide rates of Armenian men and women increased by 8.1% in 2020, when the 44-day War occurred.

To address these issues, Frontline Therapists will organize Psychological First Aid trainings in border villages. These trainings will equip Armenians with the skills needed to properly and effectively handle crisis situations. 

Join Us!

The funds we raise will be used to cover all of the necessary expenses to implement these trainings. This includes transportation, staff stipends, workshop materials and certificates of completion, and marketing/awareness. By partnering together, we can break down the stigma of mental health by facilitating critical conversations about psychological safety, awareness, and well-being. 

Click here to view our full budget.

Who Are Frontline Therapists?

Frontline Therapists is a nonprofit/ NGO created in the wake of the 2020 44-day War. We provide sustainable emergency mental health services to areas of need in Armenia. Our team has been at the forefront of providing free mental health services. In 2022 we treated 83 individuals and hosted 30 psychological training workshops across 7 cities in Armenia. We reached a total of 700+ individuals through our various events. 

Continued aggression and acts of violence have taken place against Armenia within the past six months. Therefore, our services continue to be of the utmost importance. 

PFA Trainings

  1. The 3-hour long training will be conducted by our team of two therapists, one social worker, and our research assistant. Each workshop will include resources and strategies for combating potential mental health concerns that can arise in the midst of a crisis. 
  2. We will provide psychoeducation, preparedness for stressful situations, and communication and listening skills. We also discuss steps towards identifying action steps for individuals who need additional care and attention. 
  3. By the end of the training, participants will be able to implement these techniques in their own lives. Most importantly, they will be equipped to support others after traumatic events have occurred in their community. The intervention aims to provide safety, stability, and resources to people in the immediate aftermath of a traumatic event. This will subsequently increase survivors’ abilities to cope long-term.

The locations for each training are as followed:

Frontline Therapists in Action 

Attached are links to media coverage of Frontline Therapists, showcasing our work and recognition:

  1. Aysor interview with Aida Taroyan regarding how the recent Berdzor Corridor blockade affects the mental health of Artsakh residents (Armenian)
  2. Hayk TV Profile sharing Frontline Therapist’s work during the war (Russian) 
  3. Zartonk Media showcasing Frontline’s work (English) 
  4. Regional Post interview with Arpe Asaturyan (English)
  5. Armenian Alliance interview with Arpe Asaturyan (English)
  6. ARM Radio article/interview with Arpe Asaturyan (Armenian)

See what others are saying about us . . .

Connect With Us! 

To learn more about our work and stay connected to our team, follow updates on Instagram @frontlinetherapists.

The project supports:

Sustainable Development Goals

The Future Armenian goals


 | Goal 999.15 USD
Community Development

Psychological First Aid in Border Villages

Let’s educate border villages on mental health.

Frontline Therapists NGO


0.00 %

Goal: 999.15 USD

Raised so far: 307.02 USD

Monthly Fundraiser

By subscribing to Monthly Fundraisers with micro-donations, you ensure ongoing support for your chosen initiative, project, or organization.


Monthly goal:999.15 USD

After reaching each monthly goal, we will be able to cover the cost of the intervention, the venue cost, print material, marketing of the training, and transportation for that month's PFA training.


⭐️ Cissy DerHagopian

38,731 AMD

⭐️ Linda Yepoyan

38,685 AMD

⭐️ Soseh Yepoyan

9,683 AMD

⭐️ Noene Mirzaian

5,413 AMD


Laura BoyajianMonthly

7 months ago
1,933 AMD

Laura BoyajianMonthly

8 months ago
1,933 AMD

⭐️ Prachee Agrawal

9 months ago
30 USD

Anonymous donor

a year ago
5,000 AMD

⭐️ Cissy DerHagopian

a year ago
100 USD