Let’s help Narek walk again
15 Days left
Goal: 124,338.22 EUR
⭐️ էդիկ Մլհամյան
4,450,000 AMD
⭐️ Նոյ Լենդ Ռեզորթ
1,000,000 AMD
⭐️ Margarita Tovmasian
969,800 AMD
⭐️ ՀՀ Գեղարքունիքի մարզպետարան
496,577 AMD
⭐️ Դենիս Պողոսյան
444,000 AMD
Laert Hovhannisyan
a month agoMariam Voskanyan
a month ago⭐️ էդիկ Մլհամյան
2 months agoՄարսել Ասատրյան
2 months agoGohar Nalbandyan
2 months agoWe’re writing to you with a sincere request to help 21year-old, 3rd year student Narek, whose life changed dramatically after a serious accident. He’s from Nerkin Getashen.
Since the accident, Narek has undergone complex treatment at various rehabilitation centers in Armenia (Erebuni Medical Center, Soldier’s House, etc.).
This will improve the condition of the muscles and restore the lower limbs' sensitivity and mobility.
You can make a donation through the “reArmenia” platform as well as to the following bank card accounts:
Acba Bank, receiver - Ruben Mlhamyan (Narek’s father)
Required extra information for money transfer (SWIFT) you’ll find here.
Medical documentation as well as all detailed information about expenses you’ll find here.
Fundraising is carried out by:
Aram Aghekyan (Narek’s friend and fellow villager),
Ruben Mlhamyan (Narek’s father),
Hayk Hovhannisyan (family friend, fellow villager).
Parents’ phone number is: +374-94-71-95-63 (Ruben)
Let’s help Narek walk again
15 Days left
Goal: 124,338.22 EUR
⭐️ էդիկ Մլհամյան
4,450,000 AMD
⭐️ Նոյ Լենդ Ռեզորթ
1,000,000 AMD
⭐️ Margarita Tovmasian
969,800 AMD
⭐️ ՀՀ Գեղարքունիքի մարզպետարան
496,577 AMD
⭐️ Դենիս Պողոսյան
444,000 AMD
Laert Hovhannisyan
a month agoMariam Voskanyan
a month ago⭐️ էդիկ Մլհամյան
2 months agoՄարսել Ասատրյան
2 months agoGohar Nalbandyan
2 months ago