An environment that helps and accompanies the student to go through his educational path effectively, to use time wisely, to self-educate.
65 Days left
Goal: 8,806.61 EUR
⭐️ «Մասթեր Գեյթ» ՍՊԸ
1,000,000 AMD
⭐️ Ամերիկյան Թաղամաս
1,000,000 AMD
⭐️ Hrayr Shahbazyan
79,900 AMD
⭐️ Spartak Kyureghyan
50,000 AMD
⭐️ Aren Harutyunyan
45,000 AMD
⭐️ Aren Harutyunyan
13 days agoDavid Sahakyan
a month agoՎահե Սալահյան
a month agoAnonymous donor
a month agoJohn Shirakatsi
a month agoIn Armenia, The disproportionate distribution of the population (especially young people) is a serious economic and demographic challenge. Just comparing the ratio of the population of the capital to the second and third cities of Armenia, we come across a terrible picture. This problem also exists in neighboring countries, but much less.
In Gyumri, even with some neighboring villages, the transport works very badly, and it is impossible to return after 5 o'clock.
Even the transport leading to the third city of Armenia, Vanadzor, runs only twice a day.
The area will be equipped with a comfortable and bright co-working space and a library. Here we will host like-minded guests: professors, leading professionals, businessmen, and other speakers. They will share their experience, advise students, and provide the best sources of inspiration for self-education: books, professional manuals, studies, and articles.
We will occasionally organize or participate in networking events organized by partner structures, such as Strong Community in Javakhk, Face to Face, Tech Week, etc.
By inviting frequent guests, we will introduce our talented and purposeful students to the market, and we will introduce the students to the market.
The footage is from our partner BAL Marketing and Creative LAB company.
Partner organizations are most interested in finding qualified personnel, so together with them, we will organize targeted training with students who have shown the best results.
The building is currently under construction and belongs to the author, Hrach Mkrtumyan. It is located in the "American Town" and is being built by our partner organization, the Pan-Armenian Congress NGO. Construction details are here. You can also see a personal experience of the renovation process of this kind of building here.
More than 150 private houses and townhouses have already been built in the district. Some of which are already inhabited. The district will be opened in the 2025 first quarter.
We will focus on private educational institutions.
It is planned to open several large infrastructures in Gyumri soon:
Branch of University of Lausanne
International cooking university by TUMO (for those over 18 years old) and other robotics and aircraft modeling schools and educational-technological centers.
We are a social enterprise. After this stimulus fundraiser covers the cost of renovations, our operations will be able to cover all running costs.
You can see our business strategy here.
reArmenia համագործակցության հարթակը ստեղծվել է ի հակադրություն հայերի համագործակցող չլինելու պառակտիչ օրինակների։
Օրինակ որ հայերը անհատական սպորտերից են մենակ ուժեղ, թիմային սպորտերից շատ թույլ են։
Փետրվարի 21ին Ռուբեն Մխիթարյանի հետ ԻմասՏունի շրջանակներում հանդիպում ունեցանք, պատմում էր, որ 2024ին Հայաստանի պատմության մեջ առաջին անգամ երաժշտական ԽՈՒՄԲԸ համալիրը SOLD OUT ա արել (լցրել ա), մինչև այդ միայն ԱՆՀԱՏ երգիչներ են կարողացել լցնել համալիրը։
Առանց բյուջեի գովազդ անելու մասին պատմելուց էլ Ռուբենն օրինակ բերեց, որ 2019 թվականին կազմակերպված վարդավառի արշավի ժամանակ, որը մոտ 7000 մարդ էր բերել Գյումրի, մեր վարդավառը 2 րոպե ուղիղ եթերով լուսաբանվել է Al Jazeera լրատվականում անվճար, որտեղ գովազդի մեկ րոպեն արժեր մոտ 700.000$:
Արաբական երկրում շոկ էր առաջացրել, որ սոցիալապես անապահով երկրում, տասնյակ մլն դոլարի (էնտեղի գներով) ջուր են շփում իրար վրա 😁
Ցավոք եղանակային պայմաններից ելնելով շատ երեխեքի ճանապարհները թույլ չտվեցին գալ, բայց Լոռվա Հարթագյուղից, Լուսաղբյուրից, Շիրակի Ազատանից ու Արևշատ գյուղերից ստացվեց երեխեք բերել հանդիպմանը մեր ԻմասՏունի բյուջեով։
Ձեր աջակցության շնորհիվ մենք տարածում ենք Գյումրին Երևանին մրցակից դարձնելու գաղափարը, 100+ հոգանոց փորձահեն կրթական միջոցառումները այսուհետ ավելի հաճախ կլինեն։
Դռներ, պատուհաններ և հեռակառավարվող դարպասների արտադրությամբ զբաղվող
Master Gate ընկերությունը, մեր տարածքի դռներ պատուհանների տեղադրման աշխատանքների համար նախատեսված 2.100.000 դրամ գումարից զեղչեց 1 միլիոն դրամ, ի աջակցություն ծրագրի։
Շնորհակալ ենք աջակցության համար։
Ի դեպ, ինչպես բոլոր դեպքերում, այս դեպքում ևս, հավատարիմ մնալով առավելագույնս Գյումրիի աշխատաշուկայի զարգացմանը նպաստելու մեր առաքելությանը՝ մենք պայմանավորվել ենք տեղադրման աշխատանքները իրականացնել տեղի(Գյումրիի) մասնագետների միջոցով, որոնց հետ նույնպես արդեն պայմանավորվածության ենք եկել։ Այս որոշմամբ միաժամանակ.
We have already reached our first goal of 1,620,000 drams! (Even a bit more :) )
Thank you all for being with us. Stay tuned for new updates about the results soon.
As soon as you are in Gyumri, feel free to visit the Ani district - we'll be happy to accompany you and show you around. It will also be a good opportunity to discuss our plans in more detail.
Just call in advance: 033-11-31-00
The launch and progress of fundraising showed the need for some changes that will improve the campaign's effectiveness.
Accordingly, we have made the following changes.
We have reduced and postponed expenses for seminars and initial repair supplies, directing them to training our team, as we felt a lack of experience in fundraising, community building, and marketing.
By utilizing the services of BAL Marketing and Creative LAB founded by our mentor Misha Poghosyan in Gyumri, as well as the Community Building course of our other mentor Mayis Margaryan, we remain faithful to our mission, spending every penny in the direction where the maximum number of students from the marz will be able to work, as both these companies actively involve students in their teams.
Following the same logic, during the renovation process, we also decided to hire a student from the engineering and drawing field who will undergo paid practice directly in the work on our project.
We also want to inform you that only 89,500 drams remain until the completion of the targeted first phase of our budget. We would be very happy if you shared this idea with your friends, helping us raise this amount and giving us the opportunity to start our work.
The "ImasToonn" building is located right in the American Town. Our strategic partner has not only provided the space on preferential terms but also donated 1 million drams to our project. The well-organized, purposefully designed infrastructure of this town, its community-centered strategy, and the special selection of its residential segment make this location the best place for our activities.
Smart Whiteboard Worth Approximately $7,000
In this image, where a TV was formally placed, we already have real technology. Our strategic partner, the "Children of the Regions" initiative, led by Mayis Margaryan, has gifted us a large touchscreen smart whiteboard. We are extremely grateful!
During our studies at reArmenia Academy, Gevorg Poghosyan is my mentor, and after discussions about our student initiative, we developed several important changes.
We will provide student housing for only 6 months, in some cases a maximum of 1 year, positioning ourselves as a "student transition hub" instead of a dormitory: Objectives:
As a result, the student will be able to rent their own apartment and free up space for the next generation.
Our primary value is the idea of decentralization There's always a risk that a student coming from a village to a city might lose connection with their community. This contradicts our ideas and would turn Gyumri into another "Yerevan".
To neutralize this risk, we will prioritize students who plan to or are already studying in Yerevan but, after learning about our educational and development opportunities, will prefer to move to Gyumri.
Even if a student doesn't see their future in the village and will move to a city anyway, moving to Gyumri instead of Yerevan will reduce centralization, staying true to our main mission.
The greatest advantage will be given to Yerevan residents who want to move to and study in Gyumri (such precedents already exist). This might seem socially unfair, as Yerevan residents need less social support compared to students from villages, but it has the following logic:
Thank you to all our supporters who trusted us, regardless of the amount they contributed.
Thanks also to those who haven’t yet supported us. Your input helps refine our project as we analyze and address potential flaws.
Taking advantage of the quieter fundraising period, we made two updates to the second floor:
The new pricing reflects these changes:
These prices cover only 60% of operating costs. To bridge the gap, the remaining rooms may be rented out on a daily basis, exclusively to our supporters and partners, under terms to be announced soon.
If you have questions or suggestions, please reach out—they are as valuable as financial contributions.
First Phase Work Report
Although it was initially planned to spend most of the budget on renovations, the delay/slowdown in construction due to weather conditions allowed us to conduct several additional courses, masterclasses, and other promotional campaigns. Staying true to our strategy of finding opportunities within threats, through all of this we discovered many positive experiences, which we will take into account to furnish our space more thoughtfully and competently for permanent meetings, courses, and events.
An environment that helps and accompanies the student to go through his educational path effectively, to use time wisely, to self-educate.
65 Days left
Goal: 8,806.61 EUR
⭐️ «Մասթեր Գեյթ» ՍՊԸ
1,000,000 AMD
⭐️ Ամերիկյան Թաղամաս
1,000,000 AMD
⭐️ Hrayr Shahbazyan
79,900 AMD
⭐️ Spartak Kyureghyan
50,000 AMD
⭐️ Aren Harutyunyan
45,000 AMD
⭐️ Aren Harutyunyan
13 days agoDavid Sahakyan
a month agoՎահե Սալահյան
a month agoAnonymous donor
a month agoJohn Shirakatsi
a month ago