8,908.46 USD

 | Goal 38,240.67 USD

Activance through wheelchair

The active wheelchair is a guarantee of an active life

Active life group / Roman Yeghiazaryan


23.30 %

1 Day left

Goal: 38,240.67 USD



2,500,000 AMD

⭐️ Liana Hovhannisyan

80,798 AMD

⭐️ Ashot Abajyan

50,000 AMD

⭐️ Nishan Odabashian

40,301 AMD

⭐️ Hasmik Jinanyan

40,233 AMD


Anonymous donor

2 months ago
15,000 AMD

Nikolay Sargsyan

6 months ago
20,000 AMD

Innesa Sargsyan

9 months ago
10,000 AMD

Anonymous donor

a year ago
1,000 AMD

Artur Grigoryan

a year ago
2,000 AMD

According to the Statistics Committee of the Republic of Armenia, there are more than 3000 disabled people with locomotor problems in Armenia. Due to the lack of lightweight sports wheelchairs, most of them today do not have the opportunity to live an active life and do many sports and leisure activities, such as basketball, dance, etc.

Why were active wheelchairs created?

Being a member of the community and experiencing all the inconveniences caused by the unavailability of these wheelchairs, Roman decided to construct such wheelchairs in Armenia that would enable other disabled people to have an active and self-sufficient life.

How was the idea born?

The idea came from Roman's own experience. After becoming disabled during his military service, Roman has been in a wheelchair for 19 years. However, it did not stop him from doing sports and practicing wheelchair basketball. He experienced how a sports wheelchair makes the life of a person using a wheelchair much easier and more independent and how important it is for them to practice sports.

What is the goal?

No sports wheelchairs are produced in Armenia, and classic ones are heavy, and it is not possible to do sports or dance with them. Based on the experience of the community members, the standard sports wheelchairs imported to Armenia are not comfortable for disabled people that live an active lifestyle, unlike the wheelchairs produced by Roman. Individual settings are provided for each person. Taking into account the opinions of people with disabilities, they face many problems daily and Roman's goal is to create locally produced comfortable and individual sports wheelchairs.

Where will the donated money be invested?

By donating money, you will change lives.

Isn't it nice to know that even with your smallest donation you can improve a person's life and see that impact on your community? Having a disability, Roman creates solutions not only for himself but also for every person who faces a similar problem. By donating money and contributing to increasing the productivity of Roman's entrepreneurship, you will also become a significant part of this initiative. As soon as the idea is implemented, Roman will donate 5 wheelchairs to the basketball team, 5 to dance clubs of people with disabilities operating in Armenia, as well as an additional 5 wheelchairs to people who share this problem with Roman. A total of 15 wheelchairs will be donated. As the money is fundraised, the production of active sports wheelchairs will increase, allowing even more people to purchase them, and opening up new opportunities for these people.

How can you donate?

Persons who are not beneficiaries of any other similar programs and who do not have enough funds to buy a wheelchair will be selected, and 15 of them will receive a wheelchair․

This project supports:

Sustainable Development Goals

The Future Armenian goals

8,908.46 USD

 | Goal 38,240.67 USD

Activance through wheelchair

The active wheelchair is a guarantee of an active life

Active life group / Roman Yeghiazaryan


23.30 %

1 Day left

Goal: 38,240.67 USD



2,500,000 AMD

⭐️ Liana Hovhannisyan

80,798 AMD

⭐️ Ashot Abajyan

50,000 AMD

⭐️ Nishan Odabashian

40,301 AMD

⭐️ Hasmik Jinanyan

40,233 AMD


Anonymous donor

2 months ago
15,000 AMD

Nikolay Sargsyan

6 months ago
20,000 AMD

Innesa Sargsyan

9 months ago
10,000 AMD

Anonymous donor

a year ago
1,000 AMD

Artur Grigoryan

a year ago
2,000 AMD