Contribute to reArmenia

reArmenia is a non-profit organization that depends on regular contributions from caring Armenians to continue its activities and carry out its mission.


USD raised
1.56 %

Monthly goal: 12,875.65 USD

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Donations are tax deductible for U.S. citizens.

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Cards Issued in Armenia

0% payment processing fee for Armenian cards.


Monthly Donations

Donations will be processed on the 1st of each month until you cancel the subscription.

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reArmenia collaboration platform

0 USD will be automatically charged every month. You can cancel your monthly donation at any time.

Your donation




Anonymous donor

12 days ago
50 USD

Karen Ter-Stepanyan

20 days ago
1,000 AMD

Emil Mkhitaryan

23 days ago
1,000 AMD

⭐️ Anna Ohanyan

23 days ago
100 USD

Ashot Khudgaryan

23 days ago
2,000 AMD