
Water Is Important In School

Let's make drinking water accessible, sanitary, and dignified in school

'Parent Community' for Children's Wellbeing NGO

2 collaboration proposals

About collaboration projects

Collaboration projects require tangible needs (equipment, clothing, computers, etc.) as well as the support of people through their knowledge, experience, and/or connections to solve a specific problem.

Collaboration Needs



October 31, 2022 | 2 years ago

"Parent Community" for Children's Wellbeing NGO completed its cooperation project with the reArmenia platform within the framework of the "Water is important at school" campaign.

Thanks to this cooperation and the professionals involved through the platform, we have completed our research work, the results of which we are going to present to the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports.

September 19, 2022 | 3 years ago

As a result of our collaboration with Brevis as well as their advice and suggestions, our team was able to finalize the questionnaires prepared for parents, middle school students and school administration.

In the stage, we printed 120 questionnaires for parents, 114 of which were filled out during the general parent-teacher conference organized at the school in September.

We are currently entering the information from the questionnaires into an electronic database, checking their accuracy for further research and analysis.

August 07, 2022 | 3 years ago

We hurry to inform you that Breavis has joined our project with the help of the ReArmenia platform.

We are currently working together on three questionnaires needed to monitor the effectiveness of the "Water is important in School" pilot project, analyze the data obtained and present it in the form of a report to all stakeholders.

June 25, 2022 | 3 years ago

We have another wonderful news ...

On June 23, as part of the Awesome Yerevan Foundation, we presented our project to install pilot drinking water fountains at Shirvanzade school.

We presented the project in a short but detailed way, answered the questions, remembered our school years and our experience of drinking water at school, and won this month's $1000 prize.

Over the next three months, we plan to install fountains at Shirvanzade school, collect data from parents, students, and school staff to evaluate the effectiveness, convenience, cost, and other indicators of the installed drinking water fountains.

We are very excited and thankful for this prize. This is the first step towards a very significant change in our schools and in the school life of our children.

June 25, 2022 | 3 years ago

On June 16, our team met with Arsen Baghdasaryan, Head of the General Education Department of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Armenia.

The goals of the meeting were twofold:

  1. To present the "Water is possible in school" project, its importance and research work we have done so far on the project. We discussed our willingness to pilot drinking water fountains in a few schools with the resources of our NGO and fundraising effort, to evaluate the effectiveness of the installed fountains and to present the data to all stakeholders. The pilot launch will allow us to understand the effectiveness of our proposed solution for the needs of children, parents and school staff. The results of the pilot will determine the further course of the project and the possible installation of drinking water fountains in other schools and educational institutions of the Republic of Armenia. We will work with the ministry to compile a list of pilot schools and work with schools toward this goal.
  2. Additionally, we will cooperate with the Ministry in order to implement our proposed solution in more than 200 schools that are currently being newly built and reconstructed. We see a very good opportunity here, as the installation of drinking water fountains can be easily done during the construction work already underway and become part of the complex sanitary and hygienic arsenal of the mentioned schools.

The discussion was very productive for us. We are very excited about the agreement reached and we are even more determined to move the project forward.


Water Is Important In School

Let's make drinking water accessible, sanitary, and dignified in school

'Parent Community' for Children's Wellbeing NGO

2 collaboration proposals

About collaboration projects

Collaboration projects require tangible needs (equipment, clothing, computers, etc.) as well as the support of people through their knowledge, experience, and/or connections to solve a specific problem.

Collaboration Needs

