Increased competitiveness of Armenian Art Sector through educating Young Generation
4 collaboration proposals
Collaboration Needs
Преподаватели/специалисты по менеджменту
Преподаватели/специалисты по маркетингу
Специалисты по фандрайзингу
About the Project
The Project is designed to foster the organizations to build capacity to think strategically and implement holistic management models through developing need-based curriculum design in all fields of management, conducting extensive pieces of training for top managers and development specialists of the 20 state non commercial organizations (SNCOs). Following the training modules, the SNCOs will develop their own long-term strategic plans, outreach, and development plans with quantitative and qualitative indicators to measure the advancement and enrich their skills to attract funds. The Project team then will work with each organization to fine-tune these documents to ensure a realistic implementation. During the project, the team will work closely with the Ministry of Science, Education, Culture, and Sport of Armenia (the part responsible for culture) to develop KPIs for each SNCO based on its strategic plan to ensure smooth implementation.
So, we need specialists from private and public sectors in Marketing, Management, and Fundraising fields to conduct master classes with the state-funded art organizations and students majoring in Art Management. Those specialists will help the art organizations and students to develop skills to succeed in the industry.
Due to the restriction of the current legislation, the SNCOs are dependent on grants and subsidies from the government and are often provided under certain conditions. For instance, the legislative restrictions prevent the SNCOs from generating profit, developing annual programs, which would improve the marketing campaigns, or becoming part of the international cultural community. Despite this problem, the cultural SNCOs in Armenia would like to expand their activities and widen their outreach. However, that is still not possible, as their capacity to act independently is limited, and prevents them from creating new cultural products and becoming better known among a wider audience.
There are numerous partnership and fundraising opportunities that can significantly contribute to the implementation of collaborative projects, however, due to a lack of basic managerial and marketing skills, the number of successful cases with the participation of the organizations is rather limited.
To address the above-mentioned problems, the main objective of the project is to build the internal capacities of the organizations by applying management models with a focus on flexibility which will support thriving cultural organizations and will serve as the framework for all of them. Through training modules, we aim to help the SNCOs:
1. Develop their own long-term strategic plans, with quantitative and qualitative indicators to measure the advancement of their implementation;
2. Identify the legislative problems, issues, and restrictions that prevent the cultural SNCOs from acting independently through collaboration with SNCOs and send the identified problems to presenting reforms to the government of Armenia;
3. Attract funds by building their capacities and skills to fundraise;
4. Develop KPIs for each SNCO based on its strategic plan to ensure smooth implementation by working closely with the Ministry of Science, Education, Culture and Sport of Armenia (the part responsible for culture).
The Armenian Association of Fundraising Professionals has joined the collaboration project. They will conduct a fundraising course for the participants within the framework of the project and will prepare a working guide.
We are pleased to announce that the "Educating New Generation of Art Managers" collaboration project has achieved its goal: to recruit specialists in marketing, management, and fundraising.
We will inform you about the start of the courses soon.
We are glad to inform you that specialists in the fields of marketing and management have already joined us.
Now, we need specialists from private and public sectors in Fundraising field to conduct master classes with the state-funded art organizations and students majoring in Art Management.
Increased competitiveness of Armenian Art Sector through educating Young Generation
4 collaboration proposals
Collaboration Needs
Преподаватели/специалисты по менеджменту
Преподаватели/специалисты по маркетингу
Специалисты по фандрайзингу