
33.48 USD

 | Goal 421,033.66 USD

Greenhouses for Artsakh displaced people

Help Us Rebuild Lives and Gardens: A Sanctuary in Syunik



0.01 %

8 Hours left

Goal: 421,033.66 USD


⭐️ Artak Grigoryan

10,000 AMD

⭐️ Anonymous

3,000 AMD


⭐️ Anonymous

9 months ago
3,000 AMD

⭐️ Artak Grigoryan

9 months ago
10,000 AMD

As a result of the Azerbaijani aggression against Artsakh, more than 100,000 Artsakh residents had to leave their homeland. More than 5,000 of them found their new home in the Syunik region. Their life, once lively and full of children's laughter, has been replaced by uncertain silence.

But we refuse to let despair have the final say. With your support, we are launching a fundraising campaign, the goal of which is to build greenhouses for 50 families residing in the Syunik region.

Most of the of population Artsakh lived in villages or village-like towns. The urban population made up 52.5% of the population of Artsakh, and 47.5% lived in rural areas. Despite this, most of the inhabitants of the towns were also engaged in agriculture.

Supporting the people of Artsakh to restore their agricultural activities is very important for ensuring their social and economic stability and viability.

We have a plan, determination, and cooperation with the Syunik Marzpetaran, the National Agrarian University of Armenia, and the "reArmenia" platform. Now we need you.

With your support, we will help at least fifty families stand stronger in Armenia and have a more secure life. However, supporting fifty families is the first stage of our plan, and we aim to support a larger number of our compatriots. With every penny you invest, you help make dreams come true.

Collaborating closely with Syunik Marzpetaran, we are diligently coordinating our efforts. At this stage, the Syunik authorities are dealing with the housing issues of the affected families, and they will conduct a thorough needs assessment to identify the beneficiaries of greenhouses.

Size: Each greenhouse will cover an area of 200 square meters, providing ample space for cultivating a variety of vegetables.

Drip Irrigation System: An advanced drip irrigation system will be installed, ensuring precise and efficient water distribution to the plants. This system conserves water and optimizes the growth of crops by delivering water directly to the base of each plant.

Drainage Recirculation System: The greenhouses will be equipped with a drainage recirculation system, preventing water wastage. This system recycles excess water, promoting sustainable water use and reducing environmental impact.

Materials: High-quality, greenhouse materials will be used to maximize durability and longevity. These materials will withstand prolonged exposure to sunlight and adverse weather conditions.

Cultivation: The greenhouses will be designed to accommodate various crops, with a focus on off-seasonal vegetables like tomatoes and cucumbers. The layout will be optimized for efficient space utilization, allowing for diverse cultivation practices.

Training and Support: Along with the physical infrastructure, the project will provide training and support to local families. Workshops and educational programs will be conducted to ensure that community members possess the knowledge and skills to manage the greenhouses effectively.

Please find the project budget here.

You can get acquainted with the technical details of the greenhouse and the price offer by Agrin company here.

This project supports:

Sustainable Development Goals

33.48 USD

 | Goal 421,033.66 USD

Greenhouses for Artsakh displaced people

Help Us Rebuild Lives and Gardens: A Sanctuary in Syunik



0.01 %

8 Hours left

Goal: 421,033.66 USD


⭐️ Artak Grigoryan

10,000 AMD

⭐️ Anonymous

3,000 AMD


⭐️ Anonymous

9 months ago
3,000 AMD

⭐️ Artak Grigoryan

9 months ago
10,000 AMD